The name QMII (Quality Management International, Inc.) is synonymous with commitment and customer satisfaction. QMII promises total devotion to your management system.
As one of the original management systems consulting firms in the USA, we provide training, auditing and consulting services to empower commercial and governmental organizations to master the continual improvement of their performance via their Process-Based Management Systems. This enables our clients to meet the needs of their customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders faster and more efficiently.
Three decades of QMII wisdom is the result of experience gained in assisting hundreds of companies to achieve results and top performance from their systems. We help upgrade your business management systems, redesign processes and improve teamwork to meet requirements, appreciate risks, find opportunities for improvement, and create a performing environment leading to cash in the bank. As an industry leader, many of the consultants and auditors practicing today were originally trained by QMII.
Since our foundation in 1986, we have served organizations in many different industries including energy, manufacturing, transportation, engineering, aerospace, maritime, defense, chemical processing, professional services, food, medical device, construction, government, education among others
For over 30 years, we’ve put our clients’ needs first. We desire not to be the biggest, rather the most supportive. We have become the best quality management systems service by first asking what our clients need.

Our clients tell us we are unique for a variety of important reasons including:
- Quality of our work
- Industry expertise
- Alumni support for life
- Extensive curriculum
- Ability to address your unique needs
- Interactive training with our experienced and expert instructors
- Flexible training options to meet your budget
At QMII, it is our mission to enable leaders and their teams
to increase the value of their enterprise, improve performance, and deliver
tangible results using a Process-based Management Systems (PBMS) approach.
At QMII, our vision is to enable organizations to successfully apply process and system thinking in the real world to fulfill objectives, address risk, prevent loss, and add value.
Customer Commitment: To make a positive difference in our clients’ organizations and lives.
Customer Satisfaction: To provide the client with the best possible service and strive to exceed their expectations.
Unity in Purpose: Our success is dependent upon the collective energy, intelligence, and contributions of the team.
Responsibility: We act with honesty, integrity, empathy and thoughtfulness towards all stakeholders.
Personal Accountability: If it is to get done, it’s up to me.
Agility: We challenge the status quo and adapt for success.
Respect: The appreciation for and the consciousness of both strengths and weaknesses of each other.
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