10 Steps to Safeguard Maritime Property from Cybersecurity Threats

IJ Arora, Ph.D

Cybersecurity threats have become a pressing concern in the modern era due to our lives becoming increasingly dependent on computerization. However, with the convenience of technology comes vulnerability to malicious attacks. The maritime industry, with a growing reliance on technology, faces significant cybersecurity threats. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (i.e., good and bad) exist and have always existed. Protecting against cyberattacks is crucial to ensuring the industry’s stability and security.

Understanding cybersecurity in the maritime industry

Cybersecurity in the maritime sector involves safeguarding systems, information, and assets from unauthorized access, disruptions, or manipulations. The industry’s growing reliance on technology, including networks controlling essential functions like navigation and communication, makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals. To maintain business continuity, it is crucial that companies assess their current cybersecurity posture and act to proactively improve it. The maritime industry supports trade and the economy at large, so a cyberattack can have broader consequences beyond just affecting a single vessel or company. For this reason, the intent of the attackers might be broader than simply affecting a specific entity for ransom.

Current challenges in maritime cybersecurity

Before delving into the 10 essential steps to fortify against cyberthreats, it’s crucial to acknowledge the prevalent challenges faced by the maritime industry, which include:

  • Business continuity disruption due to breaches
  • Lack of comprehensive response plans
  • Growing reliance on automation
  • Insufficient awareness
  • Vulnerabilities in cloud computing
  • Rise in phishing and social engineering attacks
  • Internal threats and attacks

Controlling both information technology and operational technology systems is critical to fortifying cybersecurity. Various systems within the small passenger-vessel sector are susceptible to cyberthreats, including bridge systems, access control systems, passenger servicing and management systems, and communication systems.

The 10 steps

When addressing cybersecurity, organizations must consider protecting information itself as well as the asset on which that information is stored. Control of both information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems is critical to fortifying cybersecurity. Additionally, management must consider the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and how these three aspects may potentially be compromised.

Step 1: Leadership commitment

Leaders must drive the need for cybersecurity and ensure that it is baked in (not buttoned on) to processes. They need to engage the workforce to contribute to the system. To do this, they can:

  • Appoint a cybersecurity manager to ensure accountability and garner buy-in.
  • Make cybersecurity integral to business processes and consider risks vs. rewards.

Step 2: Use a system framework

Employ the plan, do, check, act (PDCA) cycle as the foundation for a robust cybersecurity approach. This is also the approach prescribed by the Passenger Vessel Association (PVA) safety management system (SMS) framework.

  • Develop and regularly update cybersecurity policies aligning with organizational needs and threat landscape changes.
  • Identify clear roles and responsibilities for all concerned with cybersecurity aspects of the SMS.

Step 3: Contextualize risk

  • Consider the broader context of operations, trade patterns, technology, and legislative factors.
  • Identify stakeholders, online networks, assets, critical components, and business-sensitive information.

Step 4: Risk assessment (3D framework)

Leaving hazards in uncertain states is a drawback for proper risk assessment. It is the responsibility of leadership to convert uncertainty into clearly defined risks within the context of the organization and then prioritize those risks.

  • Organizations must assess hazards in terms of probability, severity, and the likelihood of detection.
  • Risks should be prioritized with consideration given toward confidentiality, integrity, and the availability of information.

Step 5: Build controls into processes

Controls can be split into various categories, including administrative, physical, human, and technological. In some cases one control may suffice, but for the most part a combination of controls must be applied. Identified controls should be implemented based on the feasibility rule, meaning that although they may look good in a vacuum, ease of implementation must be considered. Information security should be a part of everything the organization does—not an add-on. This includes:

  • Implementing technical security controls like firewalls and intrusion-detection systems.
  • Adopting a layered security approach (i.e., “defense in depth”) to effectively mitigate against various threats. This entails creating multiple barriers to prevent access to information—physical, passwords, firewalls, VPNs etc.

Step 6: Maintain basic measures

Basic safety measures are easy to implement and, for the most part, they are cost-effective. This can include cybersecurity awareness training for personnel, physical security, and password security. Below are a few more, although this is not an exhaustive list:

  • Keep hardware and software updated.
  • Enable automated antivirus and anti-malware updates.
  • Limit administrator privileges and control removable media.
  • Avoid public network connections without a VPN.
  • Regularly backup and test information-restoration capabilities.

Step 7: Employee awareness

It is important to make employees aware of the need for good cybersecurity protocols. Employees are often the weakest link in the security chain. Statistics show that almost 36 percent of data breaches are caused by employee negligence. Immediate actions organization can take include:

  • Educate employees on cybersecurity best practices to minimize human error.
  • Train personnel to identify phishing attacks and report incidents promptly.

Step 8: Emergency preparedness

No organization is immune to cyberattacks. It is important to have a plan in place for responding to attacks quickly and effectively. The plan should include steps for mitigating the damage, containing the attack, and investigating the incident. You can use ISO 22301: 2019, “Business continuity,” to develop this plan.

  • Your plan should include comprehensive processes for responding to cyberattacks swiftly and efficiently, including reporting mechanisms.
  • Test and improve your business continuity plan regularly.

Step 9: Assess effectiveness

The check stage of the PDCA cycle is vital to instill confidence in the effectiveness of the organization’s cybersecurity measures.

  • Conduct regular cybersecurity assessments, including third-party evaluations for objectivity.
  • Evaluate assets, vulnerabilities, IT/OT risks, physical access, and breach potentials.

Step 10: Continual improvement

  • Embrace continual improvement through the PDCA cycle to maintain vigilance.
  • Invest in training personnel on cybersecurity standards like ISO 27001.


Taking cybersecurity seriously and implementing these 10 steps can significantly mitigate the risk of cyberattacks. Begin the process by conducting a gap assessment using a qualified person to assess where your system currently stands and what actions need to be taken.

Your action plan should identify risks, gaps, and the controls needed. These controls can easily be integrated into the existing safety management system. Investing in cybersecurity today will better prepare your organization to manage future risks. Leadership involvement is crucial, and these steps serve as a solid foundation to effectively fortify cybersecurity measures.

About the author

Inderjit (IJ) Arora, Ph.D., is the President and CEO of QMII. He serves as a team leader for consulting, advising, auditing, and training regarding management systems. He has conducted many courses for the United States Coast Guard and is a popular speaker at several universities and forums on management systems. Arora is a Master Mariner who holds a Ph.D., a master’s degree, an MBA, and has a 33-year record of achievement in the military, mercantile marine, and civilian industry.

Above article is featured in the following:-

Foghorn Magazine

Exemplar Global Publication “The Auditor”

ISO 14001-Benefits for Maritime Companies

Environmental accidents in the maritime industry get quick media attention. ISO 14001 does not guarantee that maritime accidents will not happen. It does, however, get organizations to consider their operations from a life cycle perspective of minimizing the impact of their operations on the environment.

The maritime industry has for a while now been governed by the requirements of MARPOL. MARPOL has 6 annexes and as of date all six annexes are in force. The six annexes cover the requirements for prevention of pollution of the marine environment by oil, noxious liquid substances, harmful substances in packaged form, sewage, garbage and air. However, MARPOL does not address the lifecycle operations of the shipping business. From an ISO 14001 perspective this would need to encompass the need for recycling of ships once they are done with their life.

The French Aircraft carrier Clemenceau is a good example of a vessel that faced major issues with being scrapped. Having sailed all the way to Alang, India it was denied entry and had to transit back to French Waters. It was denied access to Alang owing the Asbestos used on the vessel and the potential harm it would have on the scrap workers at Alang. MARPOL also does not address the operations as managed from operations ashore and the environmental impact of the operations of supporting the ships.

ISO 14001 encompasses the entire operations of the company if within scope and encourages organizations to look at all their operations from a lifecycle perspective. This essentially means that when designing office spaces and building ships companies need to start thinking about how they will dispose of waste from the processes in a responsible manner to the environment. Environmental sustainability is a new buzzword and demonstrating commitment to the environment, to stakeholders, through implementation of an internationally recognized standard ISO 14001.

ISO 14001 need not run independent of the existing management system that most maritime companies have conforming to the ISM Code. The requirements of ISO 14001 as with the MARPOL requirements get incorporated into the one management system on which the company operates. ISO 14001 as with other ISO standards is a voluntary standard. As such companies must choose to implement an environmental management system conforming to ISO 14001. Many leading maritime companies have already done so. QMII’s ISO 14001 training is delivered in multiple formats such as executive overviews, internal auditor and lead auditor. The training is also provided in an instructor-led online format and QMII’s instructors, having a maritime background, bring a unique skill set to the class in connecting the requirements of the standard through real life experiences.

Obtaining Top Management Commitment

Who cares about the system? 

Management systems need top management commitment to work well, and yet many systems lack the necessary commitmentYou may recognize some symptomsPolicy – ignoredObjectives  are barely alive. Corrective actions remain open. Managers seem not to appreciate the value of the requirementsEmployees are unsure about the system’s requirementsProactive identification and addressing of risks/opportunities is rareRoot causes of failure remain in the system. Consequently, the system is not improved. Employees are unaware of what the system should do for themManagement reviews are embarrassingLeaders either do not show or do not contribute. Top Management Commitment is lacking. Audits may temporarily energize the playersManagement representatives ask, Am I the only person who really cares?” 

Who trained the leaders? 

Many leaders do not explain their management systemsThey may know the importance of certification, but they rarely explain why their system is vital for survival and growthWhy is this? Examine your internal audit program; is it driven by top management’s objectives?  Audit your training recordsDo they show that leaders are competent and confident to show their top management commitment? Who trained the leaders in their organizational management systemCompetent leaders take responsibility for their systemThey explain how their system works and why its requirements are so important to themUnaware leaders blame employees for mistakes caused by their system. 

Your system, is it perceived as worthy? 

Even if your system is certified, do not expect leaders to support it Every organization is a systemDoes the documented part of this system describe how it converts stakeholder needs into cash (or continued funding)?  Is this the management system that was certified or was it some new ISO system built on templates?  

Is your system irresistible to the leaders?  If notshow how your system converts needs into cash so top managers would not want to lead without itTry our methodology to appreciate how others have developed systems and gained top management commitment beyond certification. Everyone should fulfill their objectives and earn their bonuses by using and improving  the system.  

Awareness Leaders Workshop 

Engage us to design and facilitate your one-day Awareness Leaders Workshop™Select attendees who are leaders by job title and those who are leaders by personalityInclude the skeptics! 

We listen to your objectives and design your workshop to fulfill your required outcomesThis may need  system analysis to result in a diagram that explains how the system converts needs into cash. This  workshop is facilitated by our senior management system consultant and auditor, who for over 20 years  has helped many willing and reluctant managers to understand and commit to their systems. 

Prepare for action 

Remove the root causes of what ails many management systemsYou want your top management commitment  to the requirements of their management systemClear the backlog of stale CARs  and pending actions on identified risks to prepare for the surge of improvements flowing from the renewed leadership of your system 

When you are ready, please email IJ Arora or call 888.357.9001 with your requirements.