Responsibly Implementing Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) entered our lives stealthily and not before long has become an integral part of all we do. From choosing a playlist, to self-driving cars, to providing service desk support to name a few. Some people have openly embraced AI while others approach it more cautiously afraid of the domination and ‘rise of the machines. Along with the opportunities that AI presents, also come risks and therefore responsibility. ISO in December of 2023 published a management system standard, ISO/IEC 42001, that provides a framework for organizations looking to use a process-based approach to managing risks and opportunities associated with use of Artificial Intelligence.

What is AI system?

As defined by ISO/IEC 22989 and artificial intelligence system is and engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations, or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives. Artificial intelligence can then further be broken down into various subcategories from weak AI to strong AI. There are also various associated terms that are used within the industry that wall within the realm of Artificial Intelligence systems. These include Autonomous AI system, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computing to name a few.

An integrated standard approach

In structuring the standard ISO/IEC follows the harmonized 10 clause structure that is applicable to standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 45001. This will make it easy for organizations seeking to integrate the requirements into their existing management system. Like other ISO management system standards, ISO/IEC 42001 is not prescriptive within the standard clauses. It does however, similar to ISO/IEC 27001 include an Annex of controls that must be considered and that must be justified when not applicable. Annex A has a total of 38 controls that are split among the 10 control objectives. As a risk-based standard it requires organizations to conduct an impact analysis, conduct a risk assessment and then implement controls to treat the risk to an acceptable level.

ISO/IEC 42001 control areas

The 10 control areas of Annex A intend to:

  • Provide management commitment and direction
  • Establish organizational accountability
  • Determine and provide resources
  • Assess the AI system impacts
  • Provide a framework for managing the AI system life cycle
  • Control data used within AI systems
  • Provide a framework for communication with interested parties
  • Ensure responsible use of AI systems
  • Mange relationships

ISO/IEC 42001 also makes reference to the NIST Risk Management Framework, developed to better manage risks to individuals, organizations, and society associated with artificial intelligence (AI).

Next Steps for Companies seeking to align to ISO/IEC 42001

If your organization is seeking to demonstrate a responsible use of AI systems and choosing to align with the ISO /IEC 42001 framework, the next steps would be to:

  1. Conduct as “As-Is” assessment – Identify what controls and resources are already in place within the existing management system.
  2. Conduct an Impact Assessment – Annex A controls provide a structure of how to achieve this and Annex B provides further guidance. This requirement supports the requirements of the EU AI Act. Inputs to the assessment will come from an understanding of the organizational context and the needs of the interested parties.
  3. Conduct a Risk Assessment – to identify potential risks and opportunities for users and society. The assessment should include the implication for deploying AI systems.
  4. Develop Risk Treatment Controls – Identify measures that the organization will implement to mitigate the risks to an acceptable level and then a plan to ensure the effectiveness of controls implemented.
  5. Implement and monitor the controls and system, with an aim to driving continual improvement and ensuring the responsible use of AI.

To learn more about how QMII can support your implementation of ISO/IEC 42001 reach out to QMII solutions team at or call us at +1 (888) 357-9001.

-By Julius DeSilva, Senior Vice-President

How Did September 11th Affect Security?

Two decades ago, the United States was involved in a horrendous tragedy on September 11th, 2001. On September 11th (9/11) four planes flying over the eastern US were seized simultaneously by small teams of hijackers. They were used as giant missiles to crash into well-known landmark buildings in New York and Washington, DC. This attack changed America forever.

The next terror attack will not be perhaps via airplanes, but cyber-attacks. The Department of Homeland Security has geared its focus towards cyber threats and domestic terrorism. A recent Presidential Executive Order has asked all agencies to focus on securing the cyber networks of our nation. Although the United States is more secure than twenty years ago, it is important that we keep track of our cybersecurity. The majority of security risks today are viewed as targeting the networks and hardware that planes and airlines rely on.

The most common cyber threats that we have encountered are phishing, ransomware, and supply chain attacks. It is important to make sure that your organization has a strong cyber security system. Taking an ISO 27001 lead auditor training will provide many benefits to an individual that is seeking to keep information assets secure. This standard is the only auditable international standard that defines the requirements of an information security management system. ISO 27001 contains a set of policies, procedures, and systems that manage information risks such as cyber-attacks, hacks, data leaks, or theft. This specific lead auditor training can help improve your organization’s cybersecurity strategy. Big companies, as well as small and medium firms, should be interested in the ISO 27001 standard.

At QMII, we offer an ISO 27001 (information security) lead auditor training course. Information Security is important to any business. It helps protect companies’ data which is secured in the system from malicious purposes. The goal of information security management is to ensure businesses have balanced protection of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It is important to identify all potential risks to information security in your ISO 27001 risk assessment. Terrorist attacks are one of these threats. By enrolling in an information security course with QMII, students will be given an understanding of the requirements on ISO 27001 as well as how to relate those requirements to an Information Security system. Lead Auditor training gives students an understanding of the requirements of this standard and how to relate it to an Information security management system. Organizations need an effective information security management system in order to effectively manage challenges. To learn more information about ISO 27001 lead auditor training, visit our website and join us in our next course.