ISO 27001:2022, the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS), was updated in October of 2022 to reflect the latest developments in the field of cybersecurity. These changes are aimed at helping organizations better manage their information security risks and protect their sensitive data.

What are the key changes?

The majority of changes to the standard were in the Annex A controls which went through a re-structuring to include a change to how the controls were organized and the controls in total were reduced from 114 to 93.

Of the old 114 controls, 35 controls remained unchanged, 23 controls were renamed, 57 controls were merged to form 24 controls, and 11 new controls were added. The controls are split into the following domains: Organizational (37 controls), People (8 controls), Physical (14 controls) and Technology (34 controls).

ISO 27001:2022 introduced new requirements for managing the risks associated with emerging technologies such as cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies bring significant benefits to organizations but also introduce new risks that must be managed.

The updated standard also has a new control on threat intelligence that will enable organizations to remain proactive in their approach to information security as also controls to address data masking and web filtering.

The order of the main mandatory clauses remains the same with clauses from 4 through 10 and the structure aligning with the harmonized structure of other ISO management system standards. The clauses with significant changes include those to:

  • Clause 4.2 requires the ISMS to conduct an analysis of which of the interested party requirements are relevant to the system and will be addressed by it.
  • Clause 4.4 aligns with that of ISO 9001 to require the organization to identify necessary processes and their interactions within the ISMS. As such, those essential for the organization to achieve ISMS objectives.
  • Clause 6.2 provides further clarity about planning to achieve objectives and documenting them.
  • Clause 6.3 was added to reflect the need to systematically plan for system changes.
  • Clause 8.1 now requires the ISMS to establish criteria for mitigating action for risk identified in Clause 6 and to implement control in accordance with the criteria set.

There are a few more minor changes to the wording of some of the mandatory clauses

How can you upgrade your system to conform?

The first step would be to gain an understanding of the changes and the new requirements. Consider taking an updated Lead Auditor training or transition course that has been recognized by a personnel certification body. In choosing your training provider consider their reputation, the experience of the instructor, as also virtual course options.

With the new knowledge conduct a gap analysis of your existing system against the requirements of ISO 27001:2022 and draw up a list of priorities and owners for each. Assign deadlines for the items to be completed and conduct at least one internal audit and management review before approaching a certification body.

Update your existing SoA, should one exist, to reflect the new/updated controls. Train all system personnel in the changes to the system and drive awareness of information security among all personnel.

In conclusion, the changes to ISO 27001:2022 reflect the changing context in the field of information security. The QMII team would like to understand your system needs and support your goals of attaining conformity to ISO 27001 and a competent workforce trained in the requirements.

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