- 4 Day Training
- Taught by Industry Experts
- Onsite or Virtual (Instructor-Led)
- Course materials and exam included (standard not included)
As a professional in the food supply chain, ISO 22000 Lead Auditor training enables effective food safety management system auditing skills to improve your organization. ISO 22000 provides a common set of requirements for your food safety management system. Unlike other food safety standards which tend to be prescriptive, ISO 22000 provides a practical and versatile approach for improving the system that runs the organization.
Unsafe food comes from weak systems. Weak systems fail to ensure processes are under control. Weak systems fail to continually improve. Gain the tools necessary to conduct and lead process and system audits to determine conformity to ISO 22000.
As a professional in the food supply chain, you can learn to use effective food safety management system auditing skills to improve your organization. Use your understanding as an auditee and as an auditor to strengthen your system and its processes to assure food safety. Learn to be effective in your auditing of food safety management systems for robust systems. This course focuses on management systems, ISO 22000 food safety management systems and auditing.
This course may be run in conjunction with an Exemplar Global recognized ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Training.
Interpret and apply ISO 22000 requirements
Relate ISO 22000 to your business, regardless of your size and position in the food chain
Conduct and lead audits for system and process effectiveness
Assess and eliminate food safety hazards
Relate the capabilities of the organization to the requirements of customers, top management, regulators and industry
Develop and use the FSMS to work proactively not reactively
Assess the interaction of a wide variety of system components that comprise the FSMS internally and externally throughout the food chain to mitigate risk
Interpret and apply prerequisite programs related to manufacturing using ISO 22000
Align your current programs and policies on food safety and risk assessment with ISO 22000
Effectively assess and prepare audit reports
Manager or person assigned to improve your current system
Quality or a technical food industry professional
Procurement professional selecting and improving suppliers
Individuals who want to become Exemplar Global (RABQSA) certified lead auditors
Quality Manager/Management Representative (food safety team leader)
Consultant or lawyer to the industry who wants to gain better understanding of systems
Auditor responsible for assessing conformity and compliance with food safety requirements
Supplier of ingredients, packaging, cleaning chemicals, equipment or service provider
- Lecture: Intro to Management Systems
- Lecture: Food Safety Overview
- Workshop: Terms and Definitions ISO 19011
- Lecture: ISO 22000
- Workshop: Analyzing Processes
- Workshop: Writing Nonconformity Statements
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Interviewing Auditees
- Workshop: Closing Meeting Preparation
- Lecture: Corrective Action and Follow Up
- Workshop: Corrective Action
- Lecture: Certification, Registration, Accreditation
- Workshop: ISO 22000 Self Study
- Workshop: ISO 22000 Clauses
- Lecture: Auditing Management Systems
- Lecture: Developing Process-Based Management Systems
- Lecture: Audit Planning and Preparation
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Review System Docs and Prep Audit Schedule
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Reviewing Processes and Prep Checklists
- Lecture: Performing Lead Audit Investigation
- Workshop: Verifying Facts
- Lecture: Concluding the Audit
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Determining Nonconformities
Students successfully completing QMII’s 4-day ISO 22000 Lead Auditor training course and examinations provided in conjunction with this course, receive a Certificate of Attainment for the following QMII training units:
22000 – Food Safety Management Systems
AUDITOR – Auditing Management Systems
TEAMLEAD– Leading Management Systems Audit Teams
This course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the training requirements for ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management Systems Lead Auditor personnel certification.
Successful course candidates can use these certifications as earned credit towards other certifications such as ISO 14001 Auditor and other similar standards .
Interpret and apply ISO 22000 requirements
Relate ISO 22000 to your business, regardless of your size and position in the food chain
Conduct and lead audits for system and process effectiveness
Assess and eliminate food safety hazards
Relate the capabilities of the organization to the requirements of customers, top management, regulators and industry
Develop and use the FSMS to work proactively not reactively
Assess the interaction of a wide variety of system components that comprise the FSMS internally and externally throughout the food chain to mitigate risk
Interpret and apply prerequisite programs related to manufacturing using ISO 22000
Align your current programs and policies on food safety and risk assessment with ISO 22000
Effectively assess and prepare audit reports
Manager or person assigned to improve your current system
Quality or a technical food industry professional
Procurement professional selecting and improving suppliers
Individuals who want to become Exemplar Global (RABQSA) certified lead auditors
Quality Manager/Management Representative (food safety team leader)
Consultant or lawyer to the industry who wants to gain better understanding of systems
Auditor responsible for assessing conformity and compliance with food safety requirements
Supplier of ingredients, packaging, cleaning chemicals, equipment or service provider
- Lecture: Intro to Management Systems
- Lecture: Food Safety Overview
- Workshop: Terms and Definitions ISO 19011
- Lecture: ISO 22000
- Workshop: Analyzing Processes
- Workshop: Writing Nonconformity Statements
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Interviewing Auditees
- Workshop: Closing Meeting Preparation
- Lecture: Corrective Action and Follow Up
- Workshop: Corrective Action
- Lecture: Certification, Registration, Accreditation
- Workshop: ISO 22000 Self Study
- Workshop: ISO 22000 Clauses
- Lecture: Auditing Management Systems
- Lecture: Developing Process-Based Management Systems
- Lecture: Audit Planning and Preparation
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Review System Docs and Prep Audit Schedule
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Reviewing Processes and Prep Checklists
- Lecture: Performing Lead Audit Investigation
- Workshop: Verifying Facts
- Lecture: Concluding the Audit
- Workshop: ISO 22000–Determining Nonconformities
Students successfully completing QMII’s 4-day ISO 22000 Lead Auditor training course and examinations provided in conjunction with this course, receive a Certificate of Attainment for the following QMII training units:
22000 – Food Safety Management Systems
AUDITOR – Auditing Management Systems
TEAMLEAD– Leading Management Systems Audit Teams
This course is recognized by Exemplar Global as meeting the training requirements for ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management Systems Lead Auditor personnel certification.
Successful course candidates can use these certifications as earned credit towards other certifications such as ISO 14001 Auditor and other similar standards .
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